How to tie a Windsor Knot

15 Jul

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How often have you looked at someone’s tie and thought “Why can’t mine look like that?”

Now you can!

If you follow the slideshow, pause it where you need to, you too will be able to tie a Windsor Knot.

What is so special about a Windsor Knot?  It’s a perfect triangle, simply put.  It is even on each side, and sits balanced under the collar of the shirt.

Have you ever watched TV and looked at the news anchor or presenter who’s wearing a tie and it seems to sit crocked, now you know why, they don’t know how to tie a proper knot.  What most of them tie is known as a slouch knot, and it kicks to one side.

Important thing to remember is to keep the knot reasonably tight.  The tighter the knot process, the smaller the knot will be.  The ideal length of the tie should have it drape just above the belt buckle.

So start practising.  After a few attempts, you will have the perfect knot.  Trust me, it is like riding a bike. Once you have mastered the Windsor Knot, you will never forget it.

Clothes Guru

1 Comment

Posted by on July 15, 2011 in Uncategorized


One response to “How to tie a Windsor Knot


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